

food education

Welcome to meal time – an educational and instructional situation where children learn!


The Happy Learners team believes that establishing healthy eating routines in the Early Years, establishes good foundations for future health and well-being.


Our home – made meals are all cooked from scratch each day, in our new nursery kitchen, ready for our children to enjoy. We operate a 4 – week rotating menu, which allows our children to have variety, and their personal and collective ‘favourites,’ across a term. We strongly believe in the ‘hearty and healthy’ approach; children thriving off of delicious, sustaining foods that grow their bodies and minds – foods that they love and are excited to eat with their friends and Nursery teachers.


Each of our recipes has been carefully considered for the age of children we cater for in terms of both nutrition and portion size, ensuring that our menus are well balanced for growing bodies. Mid – morning and afternoon snacks are provided and these are part of the overall balanced diet.

We do not add any salt or sugar to any of our food, and source as many organic ingredients as we can in order to promote healthy eating and to reduce the number of chemical additives digested. Our menus are varied, and we try to introduce the children to new tastes and textures as often as possible

Experts in Taste & Nutrition


Meet Jo, our highly skilled, registered dietitian who specialises in paediatrics. We work with Jo on ensuring our menus go above and beyond EBSB guidelines, so that we can show parents the nutritional breakdown of our dishes, where our food is from and how our children with allergies are catered for with nutritionally superior produce.

Alongside Jo, we are supported and advised by Laura Matthews, our Early Years nutritionist, responsible for tasting and menu development at Happy Learners. Laura was Jamie Oliver’s Head of Nutrition for 10 years and brings with her all the positivity, fun and expertise you can hope for in a little foodie’s expert foodie!

We all love food at Happy Learners -it is at the heart of our setting and our curriculum … and we love helping families, and their little ones, on their food journeys.


Our five ‘A' play


There is nothing we love more than meeting parents and children. Please fill in our
Registration Form so we can introduce you to our Happy Staff and Happy Space.

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